Grocery Stores
Island Country Markets is within walking distance at the Coconut Marketplace. Island Country Markets has many groceries, a cafe, coffee bar, gelato bar and a full alcohol section. It is a new ABC concept store.
About one mile north of Wailau Bay View are a Safeway, Long's Drugs (CVS), and Papaya Natural Foods. Safeway and Longs Drugs carry most items you can purchase on the mainland..
Papaya's Natural Foods and Cafe is a health food store just north of the Safeway complex on the mauka (left hand) side of Kuhio highway. They have a great selection even if you don't often eat health food. For more information check out their web site:
Farther north on Kuhio highway next to the Post Office is another local grocery store called Big Save. This store tends to be more economical. They also have a selection of fresh fish. Most shoppers are local residents.
Walmart and Costco stores are about 15 minutes away in Lihue In a pinch, the Shell station next to Wailua Bay View stocks some basic groceries and alcohol.

There is a Longs Drugs about a mile north of the condo on Kuhio highway. Go North on Kuhio Highway and turn right after the entrance to the Coconut Marketplace. Longs Drugs is affiliated with CVS and they accept CVS cards for discounts. This is a brand new very large pharmacy. It has a section of groceries and liquor.

Kukui Grove Shopping Center (Mall)
Go south on Kuhio Highway (56). You will come to a Y in the road with a stop light. Go to the right (stay on Kuhio Highway). It will wind around through Lihue and eventually you will see a large Walmart on your left after the Hospital. Continue on 56 over the new bridge until you see the Kukui Grove Shopping Center on your left. The following stores are at the Kukui Grove Shopping Center or in the area next to it.
Sports Authority
Home Depot
Pier One

<------ Hospital
Kauai has a Hilo Hattie Store in Lihue that has a wide assortment of souvenirs. ABC stores and Long Drugs also have many inexpensive items. There are some fun shops in Kapa’a on the blocks near the Olympic Café. The Kauai Products Fair along Kuhio Highway in Kapa'a is an open air market that has island-made gifts and fresh produce. Many restaurants and bars also sell t-shirts and other items that make great souvenirs.
We also enjoy shopping in Hanalei. Hot Rocket in the Ching Young Village Shopping Center has vintage aloha shirts, and a great selection of quality t-shirts, swim trunks and hats. There are many other interesting shops and restaurants in this shopping center shown in the picture below.

There are also several great shops across the street in the Hanalei Center. The large building was once a school. We especially like Hanalei Surf.

Hula Beach is a fun store behind the Hanalei Center building. They have some unique clothing, jewelry and other items. If you need to cool off for awhile, visit Hula Beach, they have cold air conditioning.